Monday, March 26, 2012

Panda bears

Since giant pandas have the digestive system of a carnivore, they do not have the ability to digest cellulose (plant matter) efficiently and thus derive little energy and little protein from consumption of bamboo.

Polar bears

The neck of the polar bear is longer than in other species of bears. Polar bears have large strong limbs and huge forepaws which are used as paddles for swimming


  • Kangaroos are the only large animals that move by hopping.They cannot move backwards.All macropods have very strong hind legs and large feet. Only the tree kangaroos have strong front legs as well, and smaller back legs compared to other kangaroos.The large and strong tail is used for balance when hopping, and as fifth limb when moving about on all four legs.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


  Zorse is the offspring of a male zebra and a female horse.

Giant Chinese Salamanders

Giant Chinese Salamanders have sensory nodes on their heads and skin which feel the water vibrations caused by the prey's movement, these nodes are very sensitive and are capable of sensing even the smallest vibrations produced in the water.

bay cat

The bay cat is a rare and endangered creature and is native to the jungles of Borneo.

Beluga Whales

The beluga whale's color changes with age, newborn belugas are dark gray, and it can take them up to ten years to assume the adult color, which comes with sexual maturity. Beluga whales are slow swimmers and feed on a wide variety of fish and other animals.